Lizzie Bell, 14, Red Cross advocate, chosen for "Extreme Makeover Home Edition"
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
By: Andrea Fleisher
Bell received 2004 Real Hero Award
Congratulations to Lizzie Bell, her siblings, and parents, Kathy and Mike Bell, for being chosen to receive a new home courtesy ABC's "Extreme Makeover Home Edition" TV show!
Lizzie, 14, was born with a rare condition called Diamond Blackfan Anemia (DBA). To survive, Lizzie has had to undergo blood transfusions every few weeks.
According to the Arizona Daily Star, "The Bells’ home will be torn down starting Thursday and replaced with a new one, which will be built around the clock over a 106-hour period. More than 1,000 people will be volunteering to help build the home and provide support services during the construction project."
With a lot of help from Red Cross, Lizzie and her family can be pretty well assured that there will be enough of the right blood available for Lizzie when she needs it.
Lizzie often speaks to groups whenever and wherever about the importance of blood donation and supporting the Red Cross. Only 14 years old, but not shy, Lizzie tells her story and shares her hopes and dreams in life in a touching way. In fact, she moved over 200 people to tears with her story and plea for blood donation and financial support at the American Red Cross’ They Can’t Wait Breakfast last summer.
In 2004, this chapter honored Bell with a "Real Hero" award for her remarkable work to conduct blood drives and raise awareness within the community. (Meet our 2008 Heroes)
Thanks, Bell Family, for all you've done for those who need blood. On behalf of the entire American Red Cross, Southern Arizona Chapter, we hope you enjoy your new home!