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Asking for Your Support to Help the People of Haiti

For Immediate Release

American Red Cross Southern Arizona Chapter Asking for Your Support to Help the People of Haiti

TUCSON, AZ -- Wednesday, January 13, 2010 -- The American Red Cross is asking for your assistance in helping the people of Haiti as they cope with devastating losses from yesterday's 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

Immediately, the American Red Cross pledged financial support for the relief effort, and we"re looking to the American public to assist in supporting this humanitarian crisis response. "Initial reports indicate widespread damage in Port au Prince, with continuing aftershocks," says Richard White, Executive Director of the Southern Arizona Chapter for the American Red Cross. "As with most earthquakes, we expect to see immediate needs for food, water, temporary shelter, medical services and emotional support."

The American Red Cross has made available all of the relief supplies from its warehouse in Panama which would provide for basic needs for approximately 5,000 families. In addition, it is deploying a disaster management specialist to Haiti, and has additional disaster specialists on standby if needed.

The American Red Cross has an extensive partnership with the Haitian Red Cross, which is expected to lead the Red Cross response to the earthquake. The Haitian Red Cross was founded in 1932 and is one of the primary organizations in the country responding to disasters. Although earthquakes are less common, Haiti is frequently impacted by hurricanes including those in 2008, and the Haiti Red Cross has developed experience in disaster response due those disasters.

You Can Help!

Financial Contributions:

Give Online: Make your gift to the International Response Fund.

Send a Check or Money Order to:

American Red Cross
Southern Arizona Chapter
2916 E. Broadway Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85716 


Place in memo of check: International Response Fund

Text to Give: Text "HAITI" to "90999." A donation of $10 will be given to the Red Cross to help with relief efforts, and will show up on their next phone bill.

In-Kind Donations: Because this is an international relief effort, we are unable to accept in-kind (product and supply) donations at this time.

Volunteering: During an international crisis like this, we must be invited to by the Haitian government to send relief workers, and we only send those workers after our President and military deem it safe for Americans to be on the ground. We are standing in-wait to deploy volunteers when we receive the call. Please note: if/when we need to deploy, we will prioritize sending currently trained volunteers who have a valid passport / visa.

Blood Donations: The American Red Cross HAS NOT YET received a request for blood, therefore as of this morning we are not collecting blood for Haiti. However, please encourage the caller to give blood anyway to help someone in need. They can call 1-800-GIVE LIFE (1-800-448-3543) or visit to make an appointment to donate blood or to organize a blood drive.

Contact Your Local Red Cross for Questions:



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© American Red Cross Southern Arizona Chapter
2916 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85716
