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Old Gold Fundraiser for Red Cross

Event in partnership with Sheffield's Diamonds runs December 27-31, 2010

We have an exciting opportunity offered by our friends at Sheffield’s Diamonds and Baume & Mercier – the manufacturer of fine Swiss timepieces.  They are sponsoring a one-week fund raising event to benefit the Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Red Cross. 

goldHere’s How it Works:

Come to Sheffield's to sell your old gold and unwanted jewelry.  They will determine a value and if you accept their offer, you may choose to donate all or a portion of your proceeds to the Red Cross.  

Even if you choose not to contribute any portion of YOUR proceeds, Sheffield's will give an amount equal to 5% of the value they pay you for your gold.


Tuesday, December 28 – Friday, December 31, 2010


Sheffield's Diamonds
Sheffield’s Diamonds, 7619 North Oracle Road, Suite 125, in Oracle Crossings Plaza – ½ Mile North of Ina. (Google Map)

Additional Incentive:

To maximize the success of this program, Sheffield’s will be giving away a his or hers beautiful 100% Swiss timepiece from Baume and Mercier valued between $1,500 and $1,900.  Every $5 donation to the Red Cross will earn a chance to win when the donation is from proceeds of old gold or someone just stops by with cash or a check.

More about Sheffield's:

Tue-Fri 10am-6pm / Sat 10am-5pm
Phone: 520-744-3443
Fax: 520-544-4261


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© American Red Cross Southern Arizona Chapter
2916 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson, Arizona 85716
