Want to help children and families in Southern Arizona?
Help local children and families receive needed services after a house fire, flood, or other devastating emergency; assist military families bring their loved one home for a family emergency; and teach lifesaving skills that result in amazing acts like saving the life of a drowning child.
Designate your Local Fund gift:
Wherever needed most
Services for Military Families
Life-Saving Training
Local Disaster Relief
Concerned about storms and natural disasters throughout the United States? Your gift to the National Disaster Relief Fund helps children, families, and communities across the United States who face the devastating loss of their homes to natural disasters. Your gift will help with the most urgent need at the time.
Give to National Disaster Relief Fund
Want to support relief efforts around the world? Help our current international initiatives wherever it is needed most. The International Committee of the Red Cross assists refugees throughout the world. No matter what the situation, such as flooding in Pakistan, the earthquake in Haiti, the earthquake in Chile, the Southeast Asian Tsunami, or the result of war in places like the Middle East and Darfur, your gift helps the innocent victims of global atrocities and diseases.
Designate your International Fund gift:
Wherever needed most